FootPals Donates to Local Women's Charity

FootPals Children's shoes announced on Monday their continued support and monthly monetary donation to a Portland, Maine Women's Shelter.

Boston (PRWEB) January 08, 2013
FootPals Children's shoes announced on Monday their continued support and monthly monetary donation to a Portland, Maine Women's Shelter.
The small Maine-based company, comprised of parents and grandparents, prides themselves on their commitment to community, investing in the future, and in the future's feet. That is why they give back, not just with creating comfortable and durable shoes for children, but also in giving more to those who have less.
“I look at my family and feel so blessed, especially around the holiday season,” says co-owner Pat Driscoll. “Growing up, my parents taught me that you should always give; that there will always be those in need of help. With that thinking in mind, we are donating 5% of our pre-tax profits to a women’s shelter in our home state of Maine. Our hope is to help these families, displaced by abusive or violent situations, get back on their feet.”
"Most people's holiday traditions include donating to those in need. But for us here at FootPals we see the need to do more for those we're already giving to. Many people tend to forget during the other 11 months of the year that if we have something to give back to our community, we should. I am proud to work for a company that puts our children and future first instead of themselves," says marketing coordinator Jamie Proctor-Brassard. "And I'm proud to give FootPals shoes to my nieces and nephew, win win in my book!"
FootPals are available for purchase on Priced at $39.99, the shoes boast quality details like intricate stitching and dimensional eyes, and durable, lightweight and flexible soles. They're also easy to take on and off, as the shoes have velcro, and the boots have zippers. With children of their own, FootPals priority is to create comfortable and durable shoes that they're proud to put on their children's feet - and that their children love to wear.

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FootPals Donates to Local Women's Charity